Episodes will be available on Spotify after the virtual event broadcast ends


Chris Schuler
Founder & CEO
Christo IT



Ryan Stillwell
Principal & Risk Advisor



Cybersecurity for manufacturers – 31:41 Minutes

Chris and Scott discuss two sides of the cybersecurity equation; Risk management and IT infrastructure (and more.)

  • Understand how to manage cybersecurity risk
  • Learn how to lower insurance premiums
  • What is the role of an IT company in helping you to avoid cyber theft?



Brian Blatchley
Certified EOS Implementer



EOS is a simple, proven business operating system that can help your entrepreneurial organization clarify, simplify, and achieve its vision.

Look at your business in a whole new way – through the lens of the Six Key Components™.
The EOS Model® provides a visual illustration of the Six Key Components of any business in any industry that must be managed and strengthened to be a great business.



Brian Blatchley
Certified EOS Implementer


EOS (THE ENTREPRENEURIAL OPERATING SYSTEM)®     Part One – Overview, People & Vision

36:35 Minutes         EOS is a simple, proven business operating system that can help your entrepreneurial organization clarify, simplify, and achieve its vision.

Look at your business in a whole new way – through the lens of the Six Key Components™.
The EOS Model® provides a visual illustration of the Six Key Components of any business in any industry that must be managed and strengthened to be a great business.


Scott Siegel – VP of Products
Jim Williams – VP of Sales and Marketing


Everything you always wanted to know about RFID*  37:55 Min.


RFID provides practical applications for improving manufacturing product movement monitoring and can contribute to shrinkage reduction in both retail environments and for parts management in the manufacturing process. As manufacturers move to greater data integration in their plants, RFID can provide real-time location information and can contribute to operational efficiency throughout the facility. 


Eric Jacobson – IQnection
Shaun Mader – Trusted Leadership


Overcome Workforce Hiring Challenges

 “74.4% of manufacturers stated that the inability to attract and retain workers is their primary business concern.”  NAM Manufacturers’ Outlook Survey

Eric and Shaun discuss ideas about how manufacturers can overcome  hiring challenges in today’s tight labor market.
How to identify company culture
The role of video and copywriting
Website career sections
Promoting open positions in social media
How to align the stated culture and actual corporate culture

Ryan Stillwell – Principal & Risk Advisor
Stillwell Risk Partners


Risk Management Strategies for Manufacturers
Risk Management Strategies – The marriage of art and science to Reduce Costs, Improve Safety, Increase Productivity and lower your Total Cost of Risk to find better bottom line results. Key Points: 

  • Leveraging Regulatory Compliance into a Competitive Advantage
  • Assessment and Identification Tools for Continual Improvement
  • Alignment with Overall Business Goals
  • Establishing a Multi-Year Risk Improvement Plan
  • How to Obtain Best in Class Insurance Pricing

Tim Pelesky (ONExia, Inc)
Vinay Govande (espi

The Role of Automation in Operational Excellence

Vinay Govande and Tim Pelesky discuss ways that manufacturers can drive operation al excellence and use automation to improve operations. 47:56 minutes. 
  • How can manufacturers improve production efficiency?
  • How to create repeatable processes
  • Manufacturing 4.0  – What is it? What is the value?
    How does it relate to smaller manufacturers?
  • Generating efficiencies
  • The role of automation in reducing labor and improving shop
    floor safety

Shaun Mader – Trusted Leadership


Bridge the Generational Divide in Today’s Workforce
Shaun discusses how manufacturers can increase their ability to attract more workers by bridging the generational divide. 34:26 minutes.

  • What are the dynamics of today’s generational divide?
  • How can leaders begin to bridge the generational divide?
  • Benefits and challenges to moving toward a 3rd wave viewpoint

Shaun Mader – Trusted Leadership


How Manufacturers Can Leverage the Power of Trust
Shaun discusses how manufacturers can leverage the power and profitability of trust to strengthen and grow their companies. 26:27 minutes.

  • Why should leaders prioritize trust?
  • How do you create more trust in organizations?
  • What steps do you take if you want to create trust but your organization is not aligned?
  • The Optimal Trust Model and how it can be used to drive greater trust in your organization


Creating a Culture of Cost Optimization in your Manufacturing Organization

10 Steps to Effectively Reduce Supply Chain Expenses and Common Misconceptions and Challenges in Creating a Culture of Cost Optimization in your Manufacturing Organization. 34:57 Min.

    • Getting Started – Supply Chain Optimization
    • Understanding Suppliers & Their Industries
    • RFP Best Practices
    • What Suppliers Don’t Want you to Know
    • The Expense Management Continuum – Ad Hoc, Better, Great, Exceptional – and how to get there.